The ALTE Secretary-General is directly elected by the Council of Members among the representatives of ALTE Full Members. The Secretary-General is an ex-officio trustee of the charity, and ensures that ALTE's strategic aims are achieved in the most efficient way.
Nick Saville
Cambridge University Press and Assessment Term expires November 2025. |
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the highest elected body and has legal responsibility for the charity. Members of the Board (Trustees) are elected by the Full Members to represent the interests of the association. Trustees must be employees of Full Member organisations, or Individual Expert Members. Individual Expert Members (marked *) may not constitute more than half of the Board.
The trustees make decisions on behalf of the Council of Members. For example, they approve the annual accounts, approve applications for new Members, and review the ALTE governing documentation as necessary. The Board closely supports the work of the ALTE Secretariat, and ensures the best allocation of ALTE funds. The Secretary-General and three further Trustees serve on the Finance and Risk Sub-Committee, to specifically look at these issues in more depth, and then makes recommendations to the Board as a whole.
Waldemar Martyniuk (Chair)
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie Term expires November 2025. Serves on Finance & Risk Sub-Committee. Waldemar Martyniuk: Professor at the Institute of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. He holds a Ph. D. in Applied Linguistics and is a teacher trainer, author of several textbooks, curricula, and testing materials for Polish as a foreign language. Visiting Professor and lecturer at universities in Austria (Vienna), Germany (Bochum, Giessen, Göttingen, Mainz, Műnster), Switzerland (Basel), and in the USA (Stanford University). Seconded to the Council of Europe, Language Policy Division in Strasbourg, France, 2005-2006, and 2008-2013 as Executive Director of the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz, Austria. Since 2019 Chair of the Board of Trustees at the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE). |
Emyr Davies
WJEC-CBAC Cyd-Bwyllgor Addysg Cymru Term expires November 2026. Serves on Finance & Risk Sub-Committee. Dr Emyr Davies has worked in language assessment since 2001. He represents the Welsh language exams in ALTE and has been a member of the Board of Trustees for over 3 years. He graduated in Welsh at the University of Wales Aberystwyth, then was appointed lecturer in Welsh at Trinity College, Carmarthen, teaching Welsh to adults and other courses. During his time in Carmarthen, he completed a doctorate in 1992, and took a sabbatical year during 1995-96 to study for a Higher Diploma in Linguistics in University College Dublin. He was appointed as Welsh for Adults Examinations Officer at CBAC-WJEC in 2001. He is now responsible for a suite of 4 qualifications for adult learners of Welsh (A1-B2), ensuring that they meet the ALTE minimum standards. He has attended most ALTE meetings and conferences since 2001, and was Chair of the Executive Committee, prior to the establishment of the Board of Trustees. His recent research interest is focused on reviewing the alignment between the Welsh for Adults exams and the CEFR. |
Stefanie Dengler
Goethe-Institut Term expires November 2025. |
Vincent Folny France Éducation International Term expires November 2025. Serves on Finance & Risk Sub-Committee. |
Anne Gallagher
ALTE Individual Expert Member* Term expires November 2025. |
Barry O'Sullivan
British Council* Term expires November 2025.
Barry O’Sullivan is the Director of English Language Research at the British Council. He has published research on a range of language testing related topics primarily focusing on language production. Most recently, he has advised internationally on learning system reform and policy, while also leading the British Council’s research and development programme focusing on the application of artificial intelligence to language teaching, learning and assessment. Barry is the founding president of the UK Association of Language Testing and Assessment and is visiting professor at the University of Reading (UK) and special advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China). His was awarded fellowships by the UK Academy of Social Sciences (2016) and the Asian Association for Language Assessment (2017). In 2019 he was awarded an OBE by the UK government in recognition of his contribution to international language testing. |
José Pascoal
University of Macao* Term expires November 2025. |
Sibylle Plassmann
telc gGmbH Term expires November 2026. Serves on Finance & Risk Sub-Committee. |
Lorenzo Rocca
Società Dante Alighieri* Term expires November 2025. Lorenzo Rocca, is responsible of the language projects department at the Società Dante Alighieri in Rome. Since 2006 he gained expertise in coordinating projects at national and supranational level focused on the migration context; he has published papers, reference guides, syllabi and specifications referred to his field of research. Within ALTE Lorenzo is the chair of the LAMI SIG since 2008, an elected member of the Board of Trustees and of the Standing Committee since 2016. In addition, he is a language expert of the Council of Europe since 2014 and a member of the CLIQ scientific committee since 2013. In 2020 he was awarded with the national scientific qualification as Associate Professor. |